Are you one of those people who love to take pictures and videos while traveling and want to learn editing techniques to make creative videos of your journey?
When you see pictures with very accurate colors, you must be wondering how can they take such a picture with so many accurate colors.
Most of this is the power of editing.
And these tricks are not as complicated as they look.
Try yourself by checking out this site here.
Here are ten editing tricks that every editor must know.
Before reading further, I suggest you buy instrumental beats to add some awesome music to your videos.
Some of these are fundamental, while others might take a few attempts to master.
1. Jump Cut
This edit is one such cut that is used by any YouTube video editor in the world.
This standard cut pushes the video forward in time which is used by many backpackers.
You can do it simply by eliminating any of the unwanted time-frames, fluff, or silence in the video.
This action makes the subject jump through time.
It is used as an edit-trick to make the video crisper or simple to establish a fast-paced video.
However, it’s not usable at all times, as it may look like an editing mistake.
For example, editing video conversations, if you were to jumpcut to a point where one of the speakers is missing, it would look like an error.
2. Montage
A montage is the editing trick used across all movies, small and big.
The trick is to compile footage, one after another with translation, to show the passing of time.
It helps to cover the various plot points one after another without revealing too many details.
They can also be used to show actions that signify change, various events of the day, or a set of shots showing each day pass by.
If you have sufficient footage, you can use a tool like InVideo to create a montage easily.
Adding sound or video-over to a montage is the basis of most documentary movies.
3. Dissolve
In storytelling and video editing, the use of dissolve or cross dissolve is widespread along with the go-to transition.
First, they show the passage of time, like jump cuts, but without the jump.
They are smooth and fluid.
They also overlap layers of a clip, which means, if you are changing location, scene, or frame, the cross-dissolve helps to fade-out one layer and move to the next.
The dissolve can also show a SiFi-effect of the time change.
4. Wipe.
Wipe is one transition that must know, but avoid using as much as possible.
It has a very 90’s sitcom effect on your videos, which could look odd on contemporary video making.
However, you can use this as a handy tool for text-animation.
It is as simple as wiping one layer away from the scene and bringing forth the next.
This effect presents text-descriptions during the end-credits of a movie.
5. Fade-Out
As the name suggests, the fade that indicates the end of a scene or footage.
The movies usually end with a fade-out.
Unlike wipe or dissolve — these do not transition to another footage.
They either fade to white, black, or text.
It is one of the Best Techniques to Make Creative Videos of Your Journey.
The fade is a calm and straightforward way to depict closure.
They can also be used to build suspense.
For example, you fade out from a dramatic or intense scene to black before you punch in with information.
Thriller and horror movies use this tone quite often.
6. Cut-To-Motion
Cut-to-motion or cut-to-action is a rule of film editing.
A video is never chopped or transitioned to another footage when there is no motion.
This action can be the motion of a camera or the subject on the video.
If you cut away from a video when there is no motion, it could look like an error in the edit.
Do not confuse this for a jumpcut. In a jumpcut, the frame remains unchanged, and the intent is to create a jump.
For example, if the subject is jumping through a hoop and you use two camera shots.
You cut the video during the jump and not when the person is static on the ground.
7. Match Cut
The match cut is the trick used to establish either continuity or context in the scene.
This occurs by pushing one subject or motion in the scene to the next shot.
This object (or person) will help create a link between the two frames.
It could also mean the actions of one frame, match (or finish) the movement of the next.
Dance videos and music videos often use this trick. In cinema, it is a transition or a time-jump.
For example, if a subject were to open the door to a bar, the match-cut can create the scene opening to a different location, say a home.
8. Parallel Edit
This technique helps two stories run on the screen along the same period.
They can be intercut between one another using parallel edit or cross-cutting.
Parallel edit is one trick used in crime shows.
When a criminal is narrating a story, but the footage also cuts to the enactment of the scene.
Also used to show two simultaneous stories at the same time, giving it the name parallel cut.
9. Rapid Zoom
The world of soap-opera television shows first popularized the rapid-zoom or the fast-zoom.
The dramatic zoom into a subject or a person is called the rapid zoom.
This edit might seem like a tacky trick when you imagine it but has many practical uses.
For example, to highlight specific sections of the frame. In tech and car reviews, they are used to draw emphasis on the objects the speakers are currently discussing.
The dramatics zoom can also harmonize with a dissolve or match cut to work a layer-transitions.
10. Seamless
The king of all cuts– no cuts.
This edit and camera trick needs planning and choreography to master.
This edit aims to make your whole video look like a one-single take shot.
The edits occur with the help of masking and cutting behind inconsequential subjects on the frame.
For example, most fight scenes look like they take a single take.
But using the magic of invisible cuts or seamless edits, the cuts are hidden.
This trick will take a lot of practice and learning to master.
Final thoughts
You can try editing YouTube videos, adding transitions and filters, making memes, and much more with the help of online video editing tools such as InVideo.
It is easy to be overwhelmed by fancy names and editing jargon.
But these tricks get more comfortable to comprehend with time.
Remember, the edit tricks are not in your hand at most times, so Don’t forget these Techniques to Make Creative Videos of Your Journey!
They are assigned based on the need of the hour and quality of the footage in hand.